Last year, the Adirondack Fifty Falls Waterfall Challenge was introduced and generated a lot of interest and excitement. Although it was well-received and there were many finishers, we listened to feedback and have decided to expand the challenge to include more easy and difficult hikes! This will allow for maximum participation and make the challenge more family-friendly! A total of 14 new waterfalls have been added; 8 easy, 6 difficult. Participants will now have the option to obtain TWO patches and a rocker patch. The original blue patch for completing the challenge by visiting any 50 waterfalls, including any 5 difficult hikes. A green version of the patch for visiting any fifty of the EASY waterfalls. Lastly, participants can obtain an “Extreme” rocker patch for completing the challenge and visiting ALL difficult waterfalls. A new, second edition guide has been published with these changes. The Adirondack Fifty Falls Waterfall Challenge is a fun and exciting way for people to get outside and explore new places in the Adirondacks! The Fifty Falls Challenge was created to attract people to lesser-visited areas, and away from the High Peaks Region, in an effort to help alleviate the strain of overcrowding. While there are numerous waterfalls in the High Peaks Region, there are thousands more spread out over the Adirondack’s six-million acres. By creating the Fifty Falls Challenge, our hope is that it will 1) help ease some of the strain of overcrowding in the High Peaks; 2) allow hikers to discover other fun and exciting areas of the Adirondacks; and 3) encourage participants, taking on the challenge, to visit local businesses and help out those economies. For this reason, many of the well-known, heavily visited waterfalls located in the High Peaks Region, such as Roaring Brook Falls, Beaver Meadow Falls and Rainbow Falls near Lower Ausable Lake, and Bushnell Falls off of the Phelps Trail, will not be found among the “Fifty Falls.” We felt this to be an important decision as one of the goals of this challenge is to lighten the load in those areas; not draw more people to them. The Adirondack Fifty Falls Challenge works as follows: Participants must visit any fifty of the waterfalls listed and send in the required photos to obtain the corresponding patch. We have added a green patch for completing an easier round of waterfalls, and a rocker patch for visiting all difficult waterfalls. Specific information is below.
  • For the Fifty Falls Challenge blue patch, any fifty waterfalls must be visited in person, including any 5 of the 11 waterfalls designated with an asterisk (*) requiring proof in the form of a safely-taken selfie with each waterfall behind the hiker. This is to encourage fair play.
  • For the Fifty Falls Challenge green patch, any fifty waterfalls must be visited in person, excluding those marked with an asterisk (*), must be visited. Waterfalls marked with a double asterisk (**) require proof in the form of a safely-taken selfie with each waterfall behind the hiker. This is to encourage fair play.
  • For the Fifty Falls Challenge “extreme” rocker patch, any fifty waterfalls must be visited in person, including all 11 waterfalls designated with an asterisk (*) requiring proof in the form of a safely-taken selfie with each waterfall behind the hiker. This is to encourage fair play.
The purpose of the challenge is to encourage people to get out to enjoy the outdoors. Therefore, the challenge begins when you get your guide and begin. Please do not write, insisting we review your website or social media account to verify prior visits. Patches will not be sent out without the required photos. Each waterfall has its own page, with an image (in most cases) to help with identification, and a local map showing the location of the waterfall. The maps are included to be used as a general area reference only. The email address to send photos to, ask questions, or, to provide positive or negative feedback, is Take note that some of the hikes to reach these waterfalls are physically demanding. Please use your best judgement when deciding to visit those waterfalls. Respect private property at all times. Practice “Carry in, carry out,” and follow the Seven Principles of the “Leave No Trace Center of Outdoor Ethics.”  

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